Recently, news emerged linking Harley-Davidson to an alleged cyber attack that occurred during the Christmas period. Sources such as RedHotCyber (RHC) claimed that about 66,000 customer records might have been compromised and pointed to cyber group 888 as responsible for the attack. The alleged disclosure of data on online forums raised concerns about the company’s system security.
However, following an official statement from Harley-Davidson, these allegations were called into question. According to a Harley-Davidson UK spokesperson, the company conducted a detailed investigation that found no evidence of any impact caused by a cyber attack.
‘We have thoroughly investigated and have not found that the Motor Company has been impacted. While we are continuing to investigate, we do not expect that conclusion to change in any way’, the statement reads.
This clarification comes as a relief to Harley-Davidson customers who were concerned about the security of their personal data. The company reiterated its commitment to protecting customer information and stated it will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the integrity of its systems.
If there are any new developments on this matter, Harley-Davidson promised to keep its customers informed.