The world of motorcycling or two-wheels can be very powerful and intense, and even the least expected person can be «infected» by the motorcycle universe. Here we make a brief overview of the various stages of this phenomenon.
First stage: Curiosity about motorcycles
In this first stage or phase, as you prefer, a person is exposed to motorcycles, and two-wheeled vehicles begin to spark curiosity, without us necessarily realizing it.
This exposure can come through many channels: through social media use and suggested content related to the topic, whether it’s an appealing motorcycle, a video about some product or similar, or perhaps being influenced by a family member or friend, or simply through cinema, in a movie/series for example, or even through following high-speed sports like MotoGP, Superbikes, Motocross… there are various sources of influence.
From here, something usually happens: the person becomes curious and starts thinking ‘What if I had a motorcycle?’, and often moves forward with getting a motorcycle almost immediately, while on other occasions they become interested but don’t act on impulse, until after months or years, typically, they end up proceeding with buying a motorcycle. In other cases, they simply manage to control their emotions and “forget,” or prioritize other things in their life.
And you, where are you at? Do you already have or are thinking about buying a motorcycle, or are you still in the curiosity phase? Everything starts somewhere…
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