We’ve all heard one or two stories related to motorcycles or motorcyclists that are at least strange and worrying, but this one about Taddy Blazusiak took on proportions that could be (even more) serious and even resulted in a fatality.
Three days ago the Pole, a true legend of world off-road competitions, reported an attack by someone who intentionally set a real trap to intentionally hurt someone, and in this particular case Blazusiak was even very close to having his throat cut. And no, we are not exaggerating, as the rider himself made a point of explaining on social media:
‘I’m posting this to let the entire Off-road community know that there are people out there that are instable enough to intentionally hurt others just because they hate Motorcycles. So here’s what happened to me, riding a trail on the way to my riding spot on Monday 11 of november I caught a wire that someone intentionally hung across the trail’ the rider wrote.
The trap could have even had another outcome, as the polish explained: ‘Thankfully somehow I caught it in an angle coming out of a corner so I took it on my right shoulder and between my helmet chin piece and goggles , if that wire would slip down from the chin piece on to my neck most probably I wouldn’t be writing this post’.
And he concluded: ‘All good here I got stitched up by a plastic surgen so hoping my face muscles and the scar are going to be OK.
I just cant stop thinking of, what if I would caught it straight on my neck… I cannot understand how someone could do something like this to another person’.