Honda is going through a delicate time, but even that doesn’t shake the confidence in the future of the project, as Joan Mir has said many times, and although the road is slow, the Spaniard is fully confident in the future.
Aware of the difficulties, this doesn’t deter Mir from his belief, with the rider making it clear that despite everything he feels very good about the team, as he explained to ‘Very good. I felt very comfortable with them from the first moment. They have a lot of experience technically and they’re also fantastic strategically. I really enjoy working with them honestly, even in this situation – so imagine if we get closer to our goals!’.
Mir had previously said that he had yet to ‘show anything’ with the team, which is why leaving at this stage was also seen as a failure to some extent: ‘[…] I haven’t shown anything so far. For me, if I change manufacturer now, I’ll be starting completely from scratch and I’ll feel that these two years have been for nothing. And the amount of happiness I’ll have if this works [at Honda] is immense. So I’m going to try to do it’.
It’s worth remembering that in 2024 Mir renewed his contract with Honda until the end of 2026.