Verge Motorcycles is definitely one of the rising names in the electric mobility space. The high-performance electric superbike Verge TS not only catches attention for its style, but also thanks to its unique rear end – which we have already discussed in a previous article. That being said, a motorcycle striving to be innovative in terms of technology must have a solid team behind it, and indeed, that is the case for Verge.
Verge has been making many changes to its senior management structure. In August 2023, the company announced Mark Wilson as its new Chief Financial Officer. Then, in September, the company made even more changes to its management structure, hiring Alan Foster as Chief Operating Officer and Haydn Baker as Chief Product Officer. This time, it was announced on October 4, 2023, that George Blankenship would take on the role of Chief Revenue Officer at Verge Motorcycles. All of these changes were made with the aim of preparing the company for even more effective global expansion in the coming years.
George Blankenship may be a new name in the world of two wheels, however, he is a veteran in the world of technology. Blankenship previously worked with Apple and Tesla, where he was involved in client interface development and other brand-related projects. On the Verge side, he will do the same, but with a greater focus on global expansion, specifically regarding store strategies.
En el comunicado de prensa oficial de Verge, Blankenship afirmó que ve un enorme potencial en la empresa, comparándola con Apple y Tesla cuando aún estaban en su etapa de crecimiento: «Veo el mismo potencial en Verge hoy que veía en Apple hace dos décadas y en Tesla hace una década, cuando dimos un gran paso adelante para redefinir por completo sus industrias», afirmó. Con la experiencia de Blankenship, Verge tiene como objetivo expandirse internacionalmente, poniendo la experiencia del cliente en primer plano.