No stop arriving developments about the situation of the CryptoDATA RNF MotoGP Team. Now, an allegedly signed statement by the CEO of CryptoDATA, Ovidiu Toma, is circulating on social media.
In the note it can be read: ‘Our team, CryptoDATA RNF, is dealing with a paradoxical situation, which seems taken from a comedy movie, but with much more serious effects. Dorna, the governing body of MotoGP, approached us with a kind of screenplay-worthy proposal: to sell our team at a bargain price. We thought about asking them for an autograph as well, to remember such a «generous» offer – The story begins in 2023, when Dorna promised an American team a place in the championship, possibly the 12th, which, surprise, was available! […]. After rejecting KTM based on the 12th being «reserved for a factory,» they realized they couldn’t offer our place without our consent. So, they came up with a purchase offer so low that I thought it was a joke. I politely declined, but the pressure didn’t stop‘.
Ovidiu Toma then made strong accusations against the promoter of MotoGP: ‘Now, it seems that Dorna wants to throw us out of the championship in 2024, citing reasons so creative that they could write a novel. Despite a valid contract until 2026, it seems that their slogan is «my championship, my unwritten rules… the ones written in contracts don’t matter»‘.
El empresario rumano aseguró, entonces, que llevará el caso a los tribunales: ‘No solo estamos decepcionados, estamos listos para luchar. Después de un mes de documentación intensiva y preparación para una situación como esta, iremos al tribunal con una solicitud de compensación significativa por los daños a nuestros negocios y reputación, y por la limitación de participar en el campeonato. Cerramos esta nota con un mensaje para Dorna: incluso en el deporte de motor, donde la velocidad es la esencia, no se debe pasar por encima de la ética y la legalidad. Estamos ansiosos por encontrarnos en el tribunal con la misma pasión con la que nos encontramos en la pista’.