Fabio Quartararo proved this Wednesday the darker side of social media, receiving homophobic comments due to an image he posted on X.com – being forced to remove it.
In the photograph, the 2021 MotoGP world champion appears with friend Ethan Doux, captioning: ‘What are we talking about‘. Homophobic comments and direct insults followed – to the point that Quartararo was forced to delete the image from X.
The same photograph remains on the pilot’s official Instagram, but the various inappropriate comments were deleted. In addition, the post has been restricted, no longer allowing comments.
Check out this Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1UeU-Ntk2E/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=230dfc43-97f4-437b-b92e-e1b6b2cf9bc5