Harley-Davidson has launched a web series that follows elite Dakar rider Joan Pedrero on his journey to complete the Africa Eco Race on a Harley-Davidson Pan America 1250, the first Harley-Davidson Adventure Touring model. Fans of the brand can watch this series of videos about the race at https://h-d.com/ecorace .
The web series follows the incredible route of the race over five episodes, following Pedrero from Monaco to Lak Rose, Dakar, showing the extreme capabilities of the Pan America 1250 and how it embodies the spirit of adventure that is part of the American motorcycle brand’s DNA.
The series gives viewers the chance to see behind the scenes of the adventure, including how Pedrero prepared for the race and how the Pan America 1250 fared in the desert. Pedrero exceeded expectations and showed what the bike was really capable of.
Harley-Davidson’s participation in the competition demonstrated the capacity and reliability of the Pan America 1250. Adventure is part of the brand and the Pan America 1250 is exploring new ways of living the true Harley-Davidson experience.
The web series is available at https://h-d.com/ecorace